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August 08, 2005


Chris Evans

Bravo to SF national and the Rincon Chapter for this sustained effort and continuing highly succesful campaign. This concept is clearly the prototype for surf site protection-- because...the amount of energy expended in this multi year campaign is probably equal to the energy we have traditionaly expended in 10 reactive and often losing campaigns to reclaim lost sites. The only diffeerence is that when the Chapter and national are done in Rincon, the wave is saved for perpetuity. SF's work here must be studied by all of us to find the next place to "save" a wave forever. Our strategic plan guided us to look for new more proactive ways---- The Chapter, Leon, Chad, several wonderful foundations and other national staffers found it-----If you're not impressed, you're not paying attention.--Chris

J. Font

I would like to thanks the Surfrider foundation chapter of Rincon, Puerto Rico for saving the #1 most famous break of the surf capital of the Caribbean Tres Palmas. Also I would like to offer all the support of sharing Rincon-Hangout.com the #1 hangout spot of the surf capital of the Caribbean Rincon Puerto Rico for any press release, activities and any other information that you would like to publish in our news blog to promote the activities of the surfrider foundation Rincon chapter. Keep up the good work and continue saving the beaches of Puerto Rico.

J. Font
Project Manager

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