An entity’s
relevance is related to its reach, influence or quantitative impact on society.
Greenpeace has
relevance due in part to its influence on nuclear testing practices. Wal-Mart matters
because of its size. For example they single handedly buy 10 % of China’s
exports. RVCA, the surf brand,
is relevant due to the fact that young, influential hipsters have embraced it.
Nothing new here; relevance is tied to an entity’s collective impact.
I was right
and wrong, and the distinction is important.
I was right
regarding the unique positioning of the brand and the characteristics Surfrider
Foundation represents. It is somewhat of a neutral entity within an action
sports orientation - yet aimed at coastal protection and other environmental
issues. Of course some people think
Surfrider Foundation is more about surfing. Others feel it’s more about
environmental issues. For me it’s not an “either or”, but both. I can’t imagine
being a surfer and not being an environmentalist. I’m sure there are a few out there;
I don’t understand how it’s possible. Anyone who has logged hours of ocean time
and seen the beauty of dolphins
and the ugliness of pollution…
from the perspective of being submerged in the ocean… must understand the
sanctity of the ocean and the importance to protect it.
Surfrider isn’t a club. It’s not a few people that get together at the
exclusion of others. Surfrider Foundation was based on the idea of coastal
protection. It’s grown into an environmental non-profit. We need to enact a culture
of outreach to new members, industry partners, the media and anyone else that
can further expand our relevance. Surfrider Foundation has made a stunning
impact in local areas. But we need to do more. We need to have a much larger impact.
All these
points come together in the opportunity ahead. Surfrider Foundation is an
extremely relevant entity due its positioning and its quantifiable impact. The
opportunity is not only to make a difference in the 60+ coastal regions where we
are located, but to amplify the message out to a larger, national and
international consciousness.
That story
needs to be told and we’re going to use every tool, channel, avenue, way we can
to get it out.
Jim Moriarty
Executive Director, Surfrider Foundation
Your personally invited to use our channel.
It's open,it's free, and it is to the point.
I hope that we can help you get your message out
"loud and clear" and that membership increases to over 100,000 this year.
Globally that isn't even scratching the surface.
It can and probably will be done with your leadership.
Posted by: Rob Beedie | July 12, 2005 at 05:17 PM